Brand Development
Brand Development, Analytics, Campaign Management, and Graphic Design
Brand Development
For most small businesses having a brand is one thing. Maintaining your brand is another. What will you look like in 5 years? How will technology affect your ability to provide for your client base? Can you afford web development, digital marketing, and social media management in-house? Most small businesses can not adequately represent how they do what they do to the public with in-house resources.
We bring your dreams and concepts to digital reality.
Our agency is designed for the small business model. We are a “turn-key” solution for all your web management, web design, and social media management needs. We customize each client’s package according to their individual needs. Every client has a custom, catered, and concierge level of brand management with Indepth Web Design.
What Does Your Brand Say?
Brand Optics Are Critical
How you say what you say to the world in small business is critical. Most clients understand, to a degree, their brand’s effect on their local community. They also understand the need to educate their customers to a certain level for effective customer service. Representing this level of knowledge and education small business owners have is often the Achilles heel. Every small business owner spends so much time on research and logistics management that there is no time left for brand optics.
Managed Approach
Our approach takes into consideration all points that need covered for your brands needs. We manage all types of sites whether you need a simple static site, e-commerce, real estate, non profit, or government site we have the customized tools to build the correct platform for your brand.
Complex Data Metrics
Want to know exactly what your business is doing online? We have the tools built into your platform that give you access to your data 24/7 with daily monitoring. We cover things like month to month SEO rankings and tracking, discovery terms for search engines like Google and Bing, audits, as well as social media reach and likes.
Education in our field is highly techcial. We keep on the edge on things like what php version to use on your site, what type of operating system and web server are best to use for high performance and delivery, and how the google SEO algorithm has changed and what adjustments need made to your site to keep your top rankings.
Brand Management Philosophy
We want your brand to open doors figuratively and mentally. We want your brand to tell a story. For example simply look at the imagery we’ve placed on your site, not typical digital marketing agency images and designs yet that’s what we went with. We are taking you on a journey that captures your mind. We feel our images pull you in, they are interesting, they get you to focus on the text and keeps you on the site longer. This is an example of brand management philosophy.
When you think of your brand what do you think of? Are you only thinking of the analytical side of things like profit and loss sheets, employee schedules, maintenance, or payroll? If this is the case your creativity is blocked. Let us help find the soul of your brand and bring the design work out of what you do. Your brand is a story, let us help you tell the world what it is.
Having an agency that is dedicated to not only bringing your brand to life but growing with your brand, adapting to the changes and updating what your brand looks like from year to year is what we do. Think about how much your brand has changed since you’ve opened your doors. Quite a lot right? What if you had the same image from when you first opened your doors? You would think your outdated, and some businesses know this but don’t have the time or the capability to update. Let us take the raynes and provide outstanding brand management with a catered and creative approach.

Webmaster tools like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics all have a unique function for your brand. Utilizing these tools helps provide the correct analytics and ensure your brand is being seen. We are Google and Bing certified and make changes when the respective platforms makes an adjustment. We keep you up to date on a monthly basis with analytic tools like these.

Campaign Management
Campaigns can be either email, social media, or paid ad campaigns. Understanding your demographic and fitting a campaign into whichever that may be can be a daunting task if you’re not familiar. Some small businesses feel they are dumping money into campaigns and not seeing a great return. In this area we can help. We have years of experience were we can help offer advice to maximize your campaign budget.
Graphic Design
Graphic design is all about vision. What are you trying to say to the world with your particlar design? Whether it’s a logo that needs to tell a story in a small image or a flyer you are using as a direct mailer or email campaign. Your graphic design tells the world your story and can be the difference in making a conversion. How will your designs stand out to the world today?
Web Design
More like concept design because it’s much more than a web design. Your brand and your vision is your concept and we aim to bring that to digital life. What do you want your website to say to the world? Who are you? What does your brand stand for? Why did you choose the business vertical that you chose? How do you do what you do on a daily basis? All of this captures your concept.
Post Synchronously Through SM
Have your posts post to all your social media accounts at once, no need posting one social channel to another.
Schedule Automated Posts
Take away all the labor and schedule your posts on a weekly or monthly basis. This is a huge time saver.
All SM Accounts Connected
We can connect to all the social media channels you have like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
Staggered Posting To Your Social
For a more organic feel have your posts post to your social channels at different times within the day.
Social Media Management
Whether you want to manage your on social media accounts and just use our tools or you want use to manage the creation and posting for you we have a plan that can work for you. Get excited about social media again when you start using it to drive traffic to your business in an efficient and easy to use way.